Thursday, April 29, 2010


Its 10:00 am on a Thursday morning in a local Gay and Lesbian Center as 60 Gay Men and Women hold hands, at the closing of an anonymous 12 step meeting, and together recite the Serenity Prayer: God grant me tne serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Earlier during the meeting my mind wandered, as I looked around the room and thought of the many miracles that I saw in front of me . Those who, through the grace of a loving God, were living sober a day at a time and reaching out to help otheers. Yet, these very same men and women were also being condemned by another God...a God claimed by those who read their interpreation of a bible which condemened the Gay Men and Women as abominations. I said I want the God in AA, a loving kind God who accepted all as his children and gave them his grace and strength. I see God's love in action.

On my own I can not change the rantings of some evangelicals, but ask for the courage to speak up as needed and pray for the wisdom the know the difference. I am grateful today.